An FSC official must have a valid Risk Management/Background Check Report to be identified as a Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager, Assistant Manager, or a member of the Club Board.
New Coach/Manager Profile in GotSoccer
1. Full Legal Name (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name)
2. Gender (Male or Female)
3. Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
4. Position (coach, assistant coach, manager)
Associate My Profile to My Team
1. Your full legal name
2. The team to which you are to be associated
3. Your position with the team (coach, assistant coach, manager)
Risk Management Coupon
Risk Management clearance is
MANDATORY for any team or club official. The Farmington Soccer Club has coupons so that you do not need to pay for your risk management. The coupon must be applied
prior to the risk management check being performed - we will not reimburse after the fact.
Send us the following information:
1. Your full legal name
2. The team to which you are associated
3. Your position with the team (coach, assistant coach, manager)